Welcome to ACE's online members and associates directory.

Our searchable directory represents all ACE members that pay dues to our association in order to receive benefits, access resources, participate in networking, and advocate for the higher education field.

This directory is not a comprehensive list of accredited colleges and universities. ACE does not make any representation as to the accreditation status of any member.

This directory does not represent colleges and universities that accept ACE credit recommendations. ACE members are not obligated to nor make guarantees to accept ACE credit recommendations.

If you have questions about ACE membership, would like to join, or would like to correct information in the directory, please contact us membership@acenet.edu.

Find out more about ACE Membership.
Membership Statistics
Institutions / Systems (U.S. Only)
National / Regional Associations
*Associates include international members,
corporations, executive search search firms, etc.
Institution Name Location